Terms and conditions

This site ("Site”) is property of GUALPMA SRLS, provided for informational and entertainment purposes. The Site, in all its parts, is subject to these Conditions of Use and please do not access it if you do not accept the following contents. Due to updates and frequent technical innovations, the present conditions may be subject to changes. The user is therefore invited to check at each access whether the latest update corresponds to what was already consulted during the previous navigation.

Last updated: March 2021.


This website (excluding linked sites) is owned by GUALPMA SRLS, P.I. 15730821004, with registered office in via Largo Luigi Antonelli, 4 Rome. All contents of this website, including without limitation the design and structure, the layout of the contents, are the property of GUALPMA SRLS. Except as expressly indicated in this document, reproduction, even partial, of any content of the site is prohibited without prior written consent from GUALPMA SRLS. The user is permitted to use information about the company and the products and services (such as product/service sheets) provided that he/she does not remove any proprietary notices from copies of such documents and does not add, modify or alter any element. It is specified that any violation of our copyright or other copyrights may have civil and/or criminal consequences.

2. Use of the site

Access to the site may not require any registration by the user. The user agrees not to copy, monitor or access any part of the site using automated mechanisms or processes, as well as attempt unauthorized access to any part of the site by hacking or any other similar means, in order to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Site or any part connected to it. Use of the site for illicit purposes is prohibited.

3. Links to and from other Sites

The Site may contain links (“Links”) to third party Sites, independent of www.ludovicagualtieri.com. GUALPMA SRLS does not have control and cannot monitor all the sites to which the Site is linked, therefore the User acknowledges that GUALPMA SRLS is not responsible for the content of pages external to the site or other linked sites. Therefore, the User is referred to the sole discretion of the User regarding the interaction with these Sites.

4. Registration on the site

The Site offers the User the possibility of creating a personal account that requires the provision of some personal information. In this case, the provision of an email address and the choice of a password will be required, the confidentiality of which is entirely the responsibility of the User. The User also undertakes not to use the account, email address or password of another user and, similarly, not to provide their access credentials to a third party User. The User undertakes to immediately notify GUALPMA SRLS of any suspicion of unauthorized use of their account. The User is solely responsible for any use made with their account.


The Site is governed by a separate privacy policy, the terms of which are incorporated into these Terms of Use by this reference. To review the Privacy Policy, click here. In addition, by using the Site, you acknowledge and agree that Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure.

6. User obligations, prohibitions and responsibilities

GUALPMA SRLS is not responsible for the truthfulness of the information uploaded by the customer during registration. The customer undertakes not to use the Site for purposes that are prohibited by the Terms of Use. The user is also responsible for all activities related to the personal use of the Site. By way of explanation and not exhaustively, the user must not (and may not allow third parties) to undertake conduct aimed at uploading, downloading, publishing, sending, or distributing, or facilitating the distribution of any of his/her content through the Site. Furthermore, the user is required not to interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct functioning of the Site. The user is required to comply with the laws and key principles of IT law, such as correctness, respect, transparency, professionalism and the protection of the various interests involved. The user must operate with maximum transparency, and it is forbidden to use information tools that may create misunderstandings and/or mislead and/or confuse other operators - users.

7. Limitation of responsibility of GUALPMA SRLS

In no case shall GUALPMA SRLS be held responsible for the malfunction of the site, caused by failures in telephone lines, electricity, and/or in any case other online transmission tools, such as failures, overloads, interruptions, and in any case any cause not dependent on its behavior. In particular, GUALPMA SRLS cannot be held responsible for failures to fulfill its obligations that derive from causes outside the sphere of its foreseeable control, or from causes of force majeure. GUALPMA SRLS cannot be held responsible for failures by third parties that compromise the functioning of the service made available, including slowdowns in speed, or the failure of telephone lines and computers that manage telematic traffic, force majeure, catastrophic events and fortuitous events. GUALPMA SRLS is not responsible for any kind of failure or malfunction of its site, attributable to causes of fire, explosion, earthquake, volcanic eruptions, landslides, cyclones, storms, floods, hurricanes, avalanches, war, popular uprisings, riots, strikes and any other unforeseeable and exceptional cause that prevents the provision of the agreed service.

If you buy with Scalapay you receive your order immediately and pay in 3 installments. You acknowledge that the installments will be assigned to Incremento SPV S.r.l., related parties and their assignees, and that you authorize such assignment.

The information contained in this site has been compiled and verified with the utmost care, however these contents are intended to provide general information without in any way replacing advice from technical experts and/or professionals.

8. Court of jurisdiction

The terms of service (and any additional rules, policies or guidelines to be integrated into this reference document) are governed by the laws of the Italian State, without giving rise to any principles of conflict of law. The user declares that for any legal action and/or controversy that may arise or derive from the application of this agreement, the competent court for the territory is exclusively that of the Court of Milan.

9. Approval of clauses pursuant to art. 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code (so-called unfair clauses)

Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the contents of the following clauses are expressly approved, after having carefully read them:

  • User obligations, prohibitions and responsibilities
  • Limitation of liability for force majeure, catastrophic events and fortuitous event
  • 8. Court of jurisdiction

    For any questions or clarifications regarding the Terms of Use of this Site, please contact us:

    Via Largo Luigi Antonelli 4, Roma 